Thursday, July 16, 2009

World Naked Bike Ride

June 2009

Had never heard of it before. Now I know. Oh. I know. Seeing hundreds of naked bicyclists changes a person.

It was a dark and stormy night. Actually, it wasn't, but doesn't something really dramatic have to start that way? I was out with Lisa and her friends. Driving across the Burnside bridge. We saw a young man riding a bike. Naked. With some twigs in his hair. That's awfully weird, we thought. I think we screamed and laughed and tried but failed to take a photo.

We ended up at Candy in the Pearl. Sometime after midnight, it started. A parade of bicyclists. All of them naked. Some with underwear, but I'm sure that was just because of the bike. Did I mention all of them were naked? The final estimate was 3,000 participants. The theme for this year was "Where the Wild Things Are" so they adorned themselves with woodsy, natural elements. And I've gotta say, I saw no Daniel Craig or Gisele Bundchen in the lot of 'em.

Did they think the twigs would help?

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