Sunday, April 20, 2008

Mom's Birthday

Went to Dawn's and Mike's house to celebrate Mom's birthday. Dawn made Mom's favorite chocolate cake with chocolate whipped cream frosting. Dee-lish. Beautiful weather, relaxing day, got to play with Bacchus.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Flowers & Friends

It's snowing cherry blossom petals!

Went out for drinks with Lisa Friday night. I've known her since Kindergarten! She's back in Portland now so it's been nice to see her again. She's a mom of twins and definitely deserves to get out for an adult evening. Amen.

Saturday night was Chad J. Barker's birthday party and an evening of Rock Band. Terrorist Meat provided an inspiring performance. Wendi provided a fabulous taco bar and bowls of jungle juice. The Super Bowl Big Sammich Day jumbo marshmallow fight seems to have started a tradition because we had another one. You would think that marshmallows would be safe, but 10 year old Kalea has a wicked arm. I see MLB in his future.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ours is not to ask why...

Why doesn't Jesse Ventura cut his hair?

Why is James Carville a nut job?

Why is our weather so bi-polar lately?

Why is there such little new music that is inspiring?


Went to Mass with the family and then to Mom and Dad's for a delicious dinner. The weather was miserable all day which is a little disappointing for Easter, but it was still a nice day.