Monday, February 25, 2008

Rock Band Party

Wendi and Chad J. Barker had us over before Joe re-enlisted. But instead of our usual Guitar Hero party, we played on Chad's new Rock Band that he got for Christmas. I thought Guitar Hero was the bomb dizzle, but this is even better! Four people can play at once: guitar, bass, drums and singer. The drums were my favorite, although I can't get past the Easy level. There's even a bass pedal! Wendi's friend and coworker Maranda came with her beau Mike. Tons of fun! We stayed the night and were even able to use the guest bathroom since Porch Cat was no longer living in it. Poor Porch Cat. He's friendly and sociable. Too bad he's covered in sores.


Kristi said...

Hey Nicole- Jessica got Rockband for Christmas too. I think Tim & I have more hours on it than she does. We have our own band "Argue & Bicker", I'm the leader. He plays the drums & I play the bass. It is a ton of fun.
Miss you! Kristi

Nic said...

Hi Kristi! What a great band name! I forgot to mention that Chad's band with his law school buddies is Terrorist Meat. They are quite a presence. Joe's band name is Meat Treat. (Joe doesn't like dessert, but he goes crazy over savory treats, anything he can put Tabasco on.) But what's the deal with guys and meat? My band name is Arterial Spray, but I'm thinking I may need to change it to something a little less bloody. Miss you too!!!