Monday, February 25, 2008

Sunriver Holiday Party


Had our annual District Manager Holiday Party at Sunriver Resort. Lovely weekend, lots of food, visit to the spa, snow, fun! Then drove from there to EO to see Joe's parents and put his stuff into storage. Then drove back to Portland. A little dicy driving in the snow, especially during the brief white out! But my Subaru, Yelena Giselle Henri, was a champ!

- Boss Rob and Lynn Q
- Sunriver
- Henry the Bird at Joe's parents'


boywonder said...

Your car's name is "Yelena Giselle Henri?"

Nic said...

Yes, that's her name. It corresponds to part of her license plate. I've always liked Giselle and Henri (the French pronunciation, like Matisse) and Yelena was just the first Y name that came into my head. She's an exotic, sparkly, little thing.